Sunday, May 15, 2011

HVAC Heating Ventilation Air Conditioner? | Home Improvement Power

May 14th, 2011 by admin

HVAC Term used for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. he main purposes of a Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) system are to help maintain good indoor air quality through adequate ventilation with filtration and provide thermal comfort. HVAC systems are among the largest energy consumers in schools. The choice and design of the HVAC system can also affect many other high performance goals, including water consumption (water cooled air conditioning equipment) and acoustics (See Acoustics). The following actions detail how engineers can design a quality system that is cost-competitive with traditional ventilation designs, while successfully providing an appropriate quantity and quality of outdoor air, lower energy costs, and easier aintenance. HVAC T?rmino utilizado para Calefacci?n, Ventilaci?n y Aire Acondicionado. Los principales objetivos de un sistema de Calefacci?n, Ventilaci?n y Aire Acondicionado (HVAC) son para ayudar a mantener una buena calidad del aire interior a trav?s de una ventilaci?n adecuada con la filtraci?n y proporcionar confort t?rmico. Los sistemas de climatizaci?n se encuentran entre los mayores nsumidores de energ?a en las escuelas. La elecci?n y el dise?o del sistema de aire acondicionado tambi?n puede afectar a muchos otros objetivos de alto rendimiento, incluyendo el consumo de agua (refrigerado por agua de los equipos de aire acondicionado) y ac?stica. El detalle de las acciones siguientes detallan c?mo los ingenieros <b>?</b>

Originally posted: HVAC Heating Ventilation Air Conditioner?

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