Friday, May 27, 2011

Lately about Soma,Fukushima

Now,I feel my daily life recovers as well as before earthquake.But it is as for my daily life.Many people,who live in disaster areas involved Soma,Fukushima,still face difficulties.

Festival named Nomaoi has been held for over 1000years in Soma.Nomaoi is traditional horse festival.
It is said that the festival came from military training by the lord of Soma area?in those days.Japanese had used horses for conflicts and wars for a long time,too.Element of military training had changed festival little by little.
Nomaoi is held every July for 3 days.At first,people pray at the shire named Soma Nakamura Jinja.And they go to square,riding horses.Then race is held at the square.They wear Kacchu,once upon a time Samurai's armor.They look like as if Samurai soldiers.
Many retired racing horses lived there and participated in Nomaoi.And after they retire from Nomaoi,they live the rest of their lives with their owners.
Soma is one of the most important area for horses,horse culture and horse welfare.
By the way,I had been participated in the activity for disabled people riding in Yokohama for 10years,from 1999 to 2009.
And?A girl,who used to participate in the activity with us,lives in Soma.Her father was a trainer belonged to Kawasaki Racing Association and he came from Soma.
She plays a part in horse culture and welfare in Soma,her father's home town.

You know,strong earthquake happened on Mar.11. in east area of Japan.Unfortunately,Soma lies near the shore.Tsunami killed and swallowed many people,horses and pets.In addition,nuclear power plants crisis happened,too.Soma lies near Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants.A part area of Soma has changed evacuation area.
A girl,who used to participate in the activity for the disabled people riding,also lost her house,2 horses and pets by tsunami.
Nevertheless people involved her managed to save surviving horses as possible as they could though they were at risk.
After 2months later,people live in Soma are on the way to rebuild their dairy lives now.And the news,which reported Nomaoi is held on the original schedule this year too,was announced by Mr.Sakurai,the mayor of Minami Soma City,the other day.
But difficulties haven't disappeared yet.So,please don't forget people and horses who still struggle to rebuild their daily life now.
If you want to know information about affected horses,you can get information from this site,HISAIBA-INFO.
And Facebook site is here.

I have heard much the news,which reported?many various countries people pray for and aid Japan after the earthquake.I'm very glad and I'll express the thanks for their kindness and regards.
And I'll write about the most impressive news for me.
The?article was written in the newspaper,Asahi Shimbun. According to the article,a nomadic man who lives in Mongolia had tried contributing his sheep to Japan.Of course,his kindness didn't come true.
But I was glad of his great kindness.Because nomadic people get little money income,therefore,sheep and etc,animals bred by them are very precious and important treasures for their lives.Reading the article,I understood a man had tried giving us his most precious treasure.
His kindness has arrived into my mind.
Below is a writing which I write for Mongolian and which is written in Mongolian.

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Lastly,I thank to all people who have prayed for and aided Japan.And I would like many people to pray for Japan on and on.

from Kazushi


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