Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Health And Fitness | The Cause of Winter Back Pain :: By Michael ...

Copyright (c) 2011 Michael Martin

Many people suffers from pain during the winter season. Most of these patients blamed snow shoveling as the leading cause of their winter back afflictions.

Patients of about 27% primary care doctors say that bending, leaning, lifting and twisting which are all related to snow shoveling were linked to their muscle spasm or back pain.

However, chiropractors stated that snow shoveling must not be held responsible for back pain and aching muscles.

In order not to get sore back and muscles, chiropractors recommend the following tips:

Use an appropriate shovel. A proper snow shovel must be ergonomically designed which can be found in a lot of hardware and home improvement shops.

Using the old metal shovel will really give you pains as it is unbending, heavy and rigid. Thus, it makes you uncomfortable in using it as you have to push a lot requiring the body to do so much stretching in the cold. In doing activities such as snow shoveling, it is not only the tool that is important, your body is essential as well.

Buy a shovel with a handle that can be elongated to varied extents. Modern designed shovels are made of lightweight plastic that arc to get the snow.

Be sure to take a rest when shoveling and increase your intake of water to hydrate your body. Do not eat prior or smoke to shoveling. Stimulants such as nicotine and caffeine can bring you harm when demanding work is to be performed. Reserve your cup of coffee when the shoveling is finished. Use both hands in doing this activity and put some space in between to get good control. Observe good posture to allow the natural curve of your spine so ensure that your feet are shoulder-width apart.

When you shovel, bend your knees and lift with your legs and shovel close to your body. Tighten your abdominal muscles to connect the strong hub of your body. This will keep the snow weight away from the weak muscles of your back. Do not turn or twist to unload the snow but instead put it in front of you. If you really have to put the snow to your side, move your feet first before unloading the snow. Take in small amounts of snow, too.

Start your shoveling when the snow has just started. If you wait for it to stuck up, it will be harder as the snow will be heavier by that time. It is much lighter to shovel snow when fresh.

Although you have a snow blower, you can still get low back pain. This is because people tend to thrust it so hard to get it done quickly.

The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons have this to say on snow shoveling.

Haul up snow properly and this is what you need to do.

*With your legs apart, sit on your heels or crouch, bend the knees but straighten your back.

*Lift your legs without bending at your waist.

*Hallow out little amounts of snow into your shovel and walk where you want to deposit it.

*Do not stretch your arms too much if you are holding your shovel full of snow. This brings too much pressure on your spine.

*Do not remove deep snow at the same time; give yourself time in removing them. Shovel an inch or two then move on to get another inch.

*Take a rest and do the task again if you still have to.

It is still worth to take care of your back although back pain can be treated with chiropractic care. Trying to do activities that give too much strain on your back will lead you nowhere. You will end up suffering with so much soreness. Work can actually be easy with a little planning and again, by using the right tools or equipment.

Article Source:?http://www.BharatBhasha.com
Article Url: http://www.bharatbhasha.com/health.php/297900

Article Added on Monday, May 23, 2011

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Source: http://www.bharatbhasha.com/health.php/297900

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