Saturday, May 14, 2011

Computer Basics Ebook - Review of Reviews -

Computer Basics EbookDo you ever just feel like throwing your computer out the window in frustration. I know I have. That was back in the days when I had no clue on how to use a computer. But computers are not that hard to understand, you just need to take the time to learn some simple computer basics. Often a new computer user will get overwhelmed, panic and often click on links and buttons that amazingly cause instant errors. You can avoid all of this stress by gaining some important knowledge up front. How can you expect to use a computer to its full capacity when you have not learned the basics yet? It?s like going out and driving a car without any lessons, you are %70 more likely to have an accident and crash the car. The same applies for computers.

When people ask me a computer question I answer them in a way that they can understand. You see I know what you need to hear. Believe it or not, everyone starts out as a beginner, including me. The aim of the Simple computer Basics E-book is to show people that learning about computers is not hard. Anyone can become an competent computer user after reading this book. I wish there was a book like this when I was first starting out with computers. It would have made life so much easier and would have saved me a hell of a lot of money. I would have been more knowledgeable about what I could and couldn?t do on a computer.

Now you do not have to worry about all that because this book will fill you in. Reading it will make you more confident and less stressed with your computer. It took me 25 years You will find that this E-book stands out from the rest, and trust me I know, because I have read every computer there is. Most of the books I have read about computers either missed out on important details or tired to explain too much. This just confuses new computer users. They just end up getting bored because nothing is actually sinking in or making sense.

This book simply gets straight to the point with no beating around the bush. Who has time to waste? You want to learn about the computer and get on with using it NOW. It has more than 101 cold hard facts with screenshots and step by step tutorials. With its easy to use contents page you can jump straight to the section that you?re interested in.

==>> FIND BASIC SPECIFICATIONS about your computer ? How big the hard drive is, how much memory you have, and what operating system you are running?

==>> How to MAINTAIN YOUR COMPUTER This will save you loads of money on computer repairs. Its like putting oil and water in a car, if you don?t do it, the car won?t last long

==>> All about the WINDOWS DESKTOP ? showing you the taskbar, icons, notification area and more

==>> The comprehensive index of COMPUTER TERMS AND MEANINGS will turn you into a walking computer DICTIONARY

?Hi Mitz; As a college instructor, I have searched everywhere for a textbook for our ?Intro to Computers? class for this coming semester. None of the professional textbook companies offered a book that was as easy to understand. And their prices ranged from $50.00 to $100.00 for a lot of unusable information. Your attention to detail makes this book so user-friendly and easy to understand. I congratulate you on creating the perfect book for upper grade-schoolers through the college level, and for those who just want to learn how to use their computers. Plus your extra tutorials are just great! I know anyone who uses this book will be so grateful to you!? Suzanne Penzenstadler, Instructor, Salina Technical College.

?I thought the book was very easy to understand and very organized. I still refer back to the book everyday to look up computer terms as it has the best computer dictionary on the internet.?? Janine Zanelli Vic, Australia

==>> You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the book, however most people have this program as it is used often.

==>> Please note that if you have a PDF reader installed the book will automatically open in your Internet browser (the program you use to surf the internet). Simply press on the save icon that looks like a square disc. Then you can save it to your computer.

PLEASE NOTE: This a digital download that you can store on your computer. You are also welcome to print your own personal copy.

I have personally made 4 computer help videos for you to learn about your computer. These 4 videos together with the Computer Basics ABC 123 E-book will ensure you really learn as much as possible. These videos will also be available for you to download to your computer and watch at anytime you like. This way you do not have to worry about a slow internet connection.

Quick Tip: To watch a video online when you have a slow internet connection, press play, then press pause, then wait until the video loads. You will see the red line as an indicator. Then press play again.

After purchasing the Computer Basics ABC 123 E-book you will have access to the remaining three BONUS videos. The last three videos are not available for public viewing. You will have the choice of watching these videos online at a members only website or downloading them to your own computer.

This is a simple 39 page Ebook that shares all the common computer terms that we here today. A new language has developed from the invention of computers and this Ebook will help you understand some of the computer terms we have now. You are welcome to share this Ebook with Friends and Family.

* What kind of PC you really need for the tasks you?re doing * What are the essential components of a PC * How each PC components work and if you? Read?more?


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