When many people hear the word ?marketing? they think of an expensive and thorough plan to bring in customers. And while this may be true on some levels (for example, multi-million-dollar businesses that employ entire marketing teams), it certainly is not the case for an entrepreneur who is just starting out. For your small business, marketing should be implemented, but not in an elaborate way that will scare away buyers or put your company under. When starting your own small business, there are several mediums that offer marketing plans that are quite affordable, such as local advertising. These are good options to take advantage of while your business is small (and once its not) as you are building relationships and networking with others. To capitalize on these opportunities, set up radio ads or TV time slots with local stations to promote your self storage facility or boat storage lockers.
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While advertisers and marketers try desperately offline to attract the attention of consumers, Local Guerrilla Marketing is providing solutions for businesses to stop looking for "eyeballs" and start concentrating on PRP or Purchase-Ready-Prospects.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL (PRWEB) August 07, 2011
As CEO of Local Guerrilla Marketing Wendy Stevens shared, ?After working in the marketing industry for 7 years, I got sick of seeing budgets being wasted on traditional advertising and when Guerilla Marketing came along, there was breakthrough way to explode online marketing results.""Local Guerrilla Marketing was a breath of fresh...
However, there are also many marketing tools that are completely free. That?s right, free. Social media sites are becoming more and more popular for business use, and using these mediums for your business will help get your info out while saving hard earned cash. Set up a company Facebook page, a Twitter account, a YouTube channel and LinkedIn profile. (These sites, arguably the most popular, are only the beginning to the social media community. The social media possibilities basically end where you stop looking for them.) Your small business social media profiles can be used to advertise for sales, set up contests, or just to keep customers informed about your services. (And all of this for a price tag of zero.)
Using the internet is an important aspect of advertising, as that is where many consumers search for new companies and/or services. For example, a quick Google search for ?affordable self storage,? ?easy self storage,? or ?where to buy real estate,? will come up with hundreds of social media profiles for self storage businesses and real estate investment opportunities (from companies who have done their social media homework.) Having an updated and current site will help bring internet users to your site, a result that only cost the time it took you to work on your profile.
The next time you are considering new plans for your self storage marketing or small business, remember that advertising does not have to be expensive, and has the ability to bring in hundreds of potential customers.
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Source: http://www.sckl.net/general/social-media-marketing-tips-for-your-small-business/
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