I thought I'd do a post about the process of registering by documentation in NSW and our accompanying Home Education Proposal for the next year. It's always helpful to me to read how others approach these requirements. The biggest part of the whole job is doing it the first time and then it is there to review as needed for all the years to follow.
We started home educating two years ago and so the official start of our 'school' year is July each year.
In Australia New South Wales we are required to register every two years (or whenever our registration period is up) The first year you have a Home Visit from an AP or Authorised Person, the second year you register by documentation.
Registration By Documentation Form as of 2011 is found at The Board Of Studies website HERE. You then have to download the pdf.It is a series of fill in the blanks questions and signing as well as being required to show some record of the work previously covered.
Work previously covered simply means examples of your child's work, achievements, excursions or anything that shows some of the learning journey. We used copies of paper work - nature sketches, computer generated newsletters, writing practice, maths results from Teaching Textbooks programme, certificates from workshops, photographs from excursions or of handiworks completed such as wooden sword, old fashioned wooden Billy Cart both from workshops in 2011.
At the end of the year it is a comprehensive way to show family what has been accomplished and becomes something the children can enjoy looking back on and feel good about their own progress through the years.
The following portfolio is only one way to show records and progress. We choose this because it seems the simplest way for us to do it.
Clear cover folder and? cover page for Carter's 2011 Portfolio.
We include an attendance record! and 'Adventures in Reading' (a simple list of books read), which is a list of books read that term - including author, start and finish dates.
A Term Record of work completed for each KLA (subject) and a Term Progress Report (about 1 paragraph) + any certificates from workshops, carnivals or excursions.
We used a clear cover folder and created our own cover page with the computer.
We stapled the registration forms together and paper clipped it to the front of the Home Education Proposal.
Here's what we include:?
??????? To create an atmosphere that encourages a life long love of learning. We believe the focus of the elementary years is to foster, grow and develop a child?s innate appetite for learning and life.
??????? We believe children benefit from being taught in a relaxed, positive, stimulating atmosphere and that education should relate to life.
??????? Children are encouraged to think, ask questions and seek answers. Self-esteem, essential to productive learning, is fostered in a caring home environment, where parents know each child and can apply this understanding to meeting their individual needs.
??????? Education is concerned with equipping children to live. The most important skills needed to be successful in an adult world are many. High priority should be given not only to academics but also the development of character, real experiences and the capacity to communicate and integrate with people of all age groups. A home environment is suited for teaching these most important skills for life. In addition, it is at least equally placed for imparting academic skills, particularly because of its ability to cater for the special needs of each child and the individual attention.
??????? Regarding social interaction, in a home education environment children have a wide, interesting and relevant structure. This includes contact with a broad cross-section of the community, as the children are involved in the daily activities of the family. These people offer experiences and knowledge.
??????? Real learning comes through real experiences and cannot be confined to times of the day or even subject areas. People learn well when encouraged to research areas relevant to their expressed interests and as integrated parts of everyday life.
??????? We believe in teaching our children about growing in the image of God in: love, truth, beauty, justice, creativity, communication and service.
ENGLISH ? Speaking, Listening, Reading & Writing
Enjoy reading.
Read with attention and concentration.
Comprehend what is read.
Appreciate the style of the writer.
Exercise discernment in reading choice.
Provide opportunities for Carter to experience a good range of literature.
To follow intricate instructions.
To always be courteous and considerate when others are speaking or giving their ideas or opinions.
To be able to recognise and respond to both verbal and non-verbal communication appropriately.
To continue to tell stories of his own invention and with confidence.
Considers how speaking and listening are adjusted in different situations.
To use newly learn words in his everyday vocabulary.
Effectively and accurately communicates.
Learn a beautiful style of handwriting. Begin cursive in 2011.
Have meaningful handwriting experiences.
Read or listen with attention and concentration.
Exercise the power of recollection.
Receive a sense of the spaciousness of the time.
Secure wide spaces for the imagination to explore
Read aloud and enjoy frequently.
To recite poems with delicate rendering.
MATHS ? Working Mathematically, Number, Patterns and Algebra, Measurement and Data, Space and Geometry
Develop habits of insight, accuracy and readiness.
Mature reasoning powers.
Apply math in everyday situations.
Become a confident problem solver.
Make wise financial transactions.
Keep Time to the hour, minute and second.
Continue to master basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.HUMAN SOCIETY AND ITS ENVIRONMENT ? Change and Continuity, Cultures, Environments, Social Systems and Structures.
See God?s economy throughout history.
Know something of what has gone before in order to think justly of what is occurring today.
Understand people?s roles in history.
Learn from history?s accomplishments and mistakes.
Form an intimate acquaintance with the region studied so that a map calls up a wonderful panorama of the diversities of the region, of the people, their history and occupations.
Further develop knowledge and understanding of the diversity of Australian people?s their culture, heritage, history, geography, social, economic, individual Australians, places and events.
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ? Investigating Scientifically, Designing and Making, The Natural Environment, The Made Environment
Natural and Made Environment
Cultivate the power of accurate observation and build up understanding.
Love, respect and care for God?s creation.
Develop knowledge and understanding of natural and made environments.
Investigating Scientifically, Designing & Making
Provide first-hand experiences for students in investigating, designing, making and using technology.
Develop, through first-hand experiences, students? knowledge and understanding of the processes of scientific investigation, designing and making and the technologies people select and use.
Computer Science
Learn how to navigate the computer with ease. Know how to transfer documents and photos digitally and create projects on the computer
CREATIVE & PRACTICAL ARTS ? Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Dance.
Enjoy listening to music with understanding.
Enjoy learning to play for one?s own enjoyment.
Experience music appreciation in the Charlotte Mason style.
Express one self and appreciate art.
Explore drama as an area of creative expression.
Experience art appreciation in the Charlotte Mason style
Provide opportunities to use learnt skills for mastery of use.????????????????????????????????????????????????
Gain skills in using tools to create objects of use and beauty
Provide for experiences in a range of creative arts activities.
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION ? Fundamental Movement and Physical Activity, Healthy Choices, Self and Relationships.
Mature in character and integrity, happily communicating and serving others in his home and community.
Further establish and develop new positive interpersonal relationships.
Make healthy choices based on his own knowledge or ability to obtain that knowledge.
Actively be a part of preparing food and organizing physical activity.
Provide opportunities to participate in regular physical activity.
It is optional whether or not you expand on the details of what is covered in each of your resources. I also did not go into depth on any other areas other than the KLA's because that was all that was required. For example...I did not specifically mention BIBLE but we do use a Grapevine bible study called Stick Figuring Through The Old Testement.
Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting Series Books D Basic and Cursive
We keep a World History TIMELINE as an ongoing project.
Physical Education
Swimming Club in terms 1&4, Horse Riding terms 1,2,3&4.? We have other options throughout the year of gymnastics, soccer, archery, Swimming Carnivals, indoor rock climbing and many other physical sports offered through The Hunter Home Educators group. The activities available are constantly being offered and each year new options are added depending on local need/desire. Other regular sporting activities are water skiing, motorbike riding, bicycle riding, trampolining, tree climbing, bush walking and much time spent outdoors.
Personal Development and Health
Cooking Classes, Woodworking at Tighes Hill ? correct/safe use of tools, the students walk away with a woodworked product of their own creation with many hours of effort put in. Billy Cart Workshop. Collecting for The Red Shield Appeal, Bike & Road Safety Course.?
Music - Carter has had beginner piano and cornet lessons each week. We listen to a variety of music styles each day.
Drama - Drama/Mime workshops during Term 2 with the Hunter Valley Actor?s Centre at the Maitland Polish Hall. 2-hour sessions prepare the children for a presentation at the end of the term for family and friends to come and see.
Art - Workshops are available each Semester with Artist Bernie Meyers at Shiloh Art Studio. We use the FIAR literature unit study manuals as well as many websites dedicated to teaching children art.
DWN teaches step by step how to draw. There are 8 books in the series also with writing practice and information about the subject being drawn and studied.
Sketch Tuesday - weekly challenges
Finger Printing Through The Old Testement
Pharaoh?s Boat on Egyptian Papyrus Paper and Coil Pots made from local white clay.?
There is such an availability of places to see and things to do we can?t possibly do everything so will choose the excursions that are appropriate for our family. We have to take into account finances, distance and younger sibling. Listed below are some of the excursions on offer for 2011.
The Australian Shark & Ray Centre, Oceanography Workshop, ?Dinosaurs, Fossils and The Bible?, Walking With The Dinosaurs, Oakvale Farm, Dairy Farm, Camping trips, Tropical Fruit World, Stradbroke Island, family holidays, Museum?s e.g. Museum of Contemporary Art, Maitland Regional Art Gallery, many local museums, Timber Town, The Port Macquarie Observatory, Taronga Zoo and the list goes on.
?Macadamia Farm
Royal Australian Air Force Show
Australian Shark & Ray Centre?
?Australian Reptile Park Frog Workshopand we take every opportunity to spend time at the beach discovery nature and that environment.?
Five In A Row literature-based unit study curriculum covers key learning areas - HSIE and Character, English, Maths, Science, Nature Study and Art. Literature selections contain positive moral values reflecting Biblical values. Curriculum is so named because you spend five days in a row (a full week; one day for each subject area) using a particular children?s book as the theme. There?s plenty of text here as the author provides all the reference material needed right in the volumes as background for the studies. Hands on activities and projects abound and there are plenty to choose from each day, using the literature selections as a springboard. The varying difficulty of the activities makes it easy to use with a range of ages. Each book also includes tips for teaching the curriculum, instructions for creating manipulatives, a topical index, a sample planning sheet with a blank, reproducible lesson plan sheet, literary glossary, story disks, and suggestions for finding the reading books. ?We take as many ?rabbit trails? as possible that lead us into topics related to Carter?s particular interest and to ensure a major part of our school year covers Australia.
Australian Studies
Australian Book Traveller from Downunder Literature
?Australian studies: above Aboriginal style dot painting.
Books/Travel Guides - The Australia Book, Nardika Learns to Make A Spear, Best Beak in Boonaroo Bay, Alexander?s Outing, A Year on Our Farm, Tiger Tale, You and Me, Murrawee, My Grandad Marches on Anzac Day, Magic Boomerang, Are We There Yet? PLUS Extension Books ? Ten Australian picture books have been chosen as the core Travel Books. These books are the starting point of the unit studies. Each varies in its flavour, art and location. The books were chosen for their educational, literary and artistic merit. Many are award winners. There are true tales, legends, fiction and factual stories. Every story has something special to share with your child that will enrich their experience of Australia. We use a notebook format for the ABT.
Other areas of learning are:
Nature Studies, Language Other Than English ? Spanish, Typing, cooking, gardening, farm/agricultural skills.? Learning is happening all the time and if the opportunity arises to take part in a learning process or experience we make effort to be part of that. We believe that real learning comes from real experience and cannot be confined to times of day or even subjects and we make every effort to focus on Carter?s expressed areas of interest, finding Carter learns his best when we do so.
In conclusion: We draw from a wide range of resources and each term is revised thoroughly to decide on our course of action for the next. As I spend each day with Carter I am able to decipher what is working and what isn?t and feel that being organized and planning ahead are a large part of our success as a home educating family but that flexibility is of equal importance. Resources can and do change and are varied.
We adhere to many of the philosophies of Charlotte Mason. What that means for us:
In our home we advocate a liberal (generous) education. Just like leading a horse to water we want to lead our children ultimately to self-education. This is done through contact with the best books. We rely on narration instead of fill-in-the-blank worksheets to verify knowledge. Examinations are done with a view to see what he does know, not to expose what he doesn?t know. We put emphasis on whole or living books from well chosen authors. We find that living books put children in touch with lives, emotion and not just facts alone.
Our day consists of short morning lessons with a large variety of subjects, which reduces fatigue in both parent and child. I have found Carter to be invigorated by switching to different subjects as often as every 20 minutes. Our afternoons are for free play, pursuit of hobbies, arts, music, handicrafts, reading and expansion of subjects focused on in the first half of the day.
The children?s motto is ?I am, I can, I ought, I will.? ?I am? because he is a child of God and a gift to us, his parents. ?I can? stands for having the power God has given us to do a thing. ?I ought? has to do with duty and ?I will? is different from what I want, it is a child?s decision to do what is right.
The parent?s motto is ?Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.? Our mission ? to bring fullness of life to our children.
We have been home educating for almost two years now. Originally we looked to home educating as a rescue plan. Our son was regularly unhappy in the public system, and as his parents we found this difficult when thinking of the many years ahead in school for him. It was the overall school experience, daily issues of bullying and in turn, a lack of love of learning. As Carter?s parents we became concerned for him daily and decided we needed to make some important decisions regarding Carter?s education. Since commencing home education we have seen our son become his natural happy self, mature in character, flourish in his home environment, joyfully learn, have many positive interpersonal relationships, experience many educational opportunities and generally bloom as a person. We see that our home education lifestyle works, it works so well that we continue to choose this path for our children, our whole family. Our home educating lifestyle has definitely brought us closer together as a family and we can endeavor to instill family values in our children. We are able to cater to Carter?s individual learning style and interests and create an atmosphere that nurtures a love of learning. Gavin (father) is a shift worker therefore a very important benefit is that Carter is able to engage in more time with his father. I have become passionate about our choice to home educate and endeavor to bring a fullness of life to our children and family as a whole. Home education has become a very special decision for us, a decision of ongoing active commitment from our hearts, head and hands.? Carter?s grandparents and other extended family have regularly commented on how happy and bright Carter is and marvel at the knowledge he is accruing and work he is producing. We are the first ever members of our family to choose to home educate. We are very proud of Carter, his efforts, his maturing character and the person he is.
Everyone's proposal will be different in content, style, presentation, methods of recording? and that is a wonderful thing. I hope this helps to see how we do it.
Warmest Wishes, Renelle
Source: http://dovesrest.blogspot.com/2011/07/home-education-registering-and.html
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