Thursday, November 24, 2011

Video: GIs reward their best friends, the dogs of war

BRIAN WILLIAMS, anchor: Finally tonight here, a touching reunion between some Americans who fought for their country in Afghanistan and some of the friends they made over there who remained by their side through achievement and tragedy and loved them unconditionally. They have been reunited with them here thanks to a unique airlift and NBC 's Kevin Tibbles has the story.

KEVIN TIBBLES reporting: A precious military airlift arrives at New York's Kennedy Airport . And soldiers spring not into battle, but into cuddle. For this four-legged, face-licking invasion all the way from Afghanistan has found a new home in America . Gus was orphaned as a pup when his mother was shot.

Mr. ZACHARY HENNING (US Navy): He warmed my heart when I was out there and helped me to survive mentally. So I need to repay him and give him a home.

TIBBLES: Finding these tail-wagging morale boosters loving new homes is the idea of a British soldier who so far has helped some 250 dogs with adoption in the US, UK , Canada , Holland and Australia .

Corporal PEN FARTHING (Nowzad Dogs Founder): Chaos of Afghanistan and serving there, just having the dog, for me, was a way of actually just spending five minutes in normality.

TIBBLES: Ensuring the dogs are spayed or neutered and have their shots is the charity American Dog Rescue .

Mr. ARTHUR E. BENJAMIN (American Dog Rescue Founder): There wasn't one of the soldiers , male or female, who didn't cry when they saw their dog.

TIBBLES: Charlie made Afghanistan survivable for Specialist Sheila Schaffer .


TIBBLES: Schaffer took this video when his litter was discovered hidden under a building on base. Now Charlie , the former Afghan stray, is Charlie from Iowa , who gets to bark at the local cattle without fear, and who gets his belly rubbed regularly. Charlie 's contribution to morale in Afghanistan will never be forgotten.

Ms. SCHAFFER: A lot of times heroic is that they're saving our souls, they're saving us inside because there is a lot of soldiers that get depressed being away from home and being away from their own pets and their own families.

TIBBLES: Repaying those who helped save lives in a war zone with the simplest of things, unconditional love. Kevin Tibbles, NBC News, Chicago.


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