Saturday, May 4, 2013

Toilet Paper Tube Craft Ideas | Care2 Healthy Living - Caverlynell8's ...

  • Becky Striepe
  • April 30, 2013
  • 5:05 pm

get healthy living updates

Do you feel guilty tossing those spent toilet paper tubes into the recycle bin? Check out some crafty ways to reuse them instead!

For most of us, toilet paper is one of the areas where there isn?t a green alternative that works for our families. I know that there are alternatives to using toilet paper, but let?s be honest here, guys. Not everyone is ready to make that leap, and when you can?t reduce waste, reusing whatever you can is your best option.

There also might be a bit of an ick factor when it comes to reusing toilet paper tubes, and that?s totally understandable. If you?re just not comfortable crafting with them, you can also use paper towel tubes for these. If your family doesn?t do the paper towel thing, I bet you know someone who does who would save a few tubes for your crafty needs!

Related Reading: 3 Ways to Ditch Paper Towels

Those cardboard tubes might look humble and unassuming, but there are actually lots of fun ways that you can craft with them! Check out some of these awesome toilet paper tube craft ideas!

Read more: Conservation, Crafts & Design, Crafts & Hobbies, Green Home Decor, Home, Materials & Architecture, Reduce, Recycle & Reuse, Surprising uses for ..., cardboard crafts, paper crafts, paper towel tubes, reuse, toilet paper tube crafts, tube craft, upcycling

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