Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How to Infuse Motivation Into The Leader and The Team | 5 Star ...

Motivation is the key to getting anything done ? whether it?s a simple project or a large-scale initiative. When?people are motivated, magical things happen. Creativity soars. And your company?s vision gets the attention it deserves.

In times of adversity finding motivation can be difficult for even the best people.

The economic recession led to unprecedented changes in many companies. From layoffs and hiring freezes to depletion of retirement savings and shifts in personal lifestyles, the challenges have been many.

If you have felt as though your company could use an extra adrenaline shot to keep spirits high, the following three tips will help you and your team get back on track. Start incorporating these tips into your business now, and start breathing life back into your company:

Get clear on your own goals

Because you are in a leadership role, you have the extra challenge of motivating yourself for success along with your team. Since motivation starts with you, it?s crucial that you identify specific goals you want to achieve that align with the company?s vision. Strong, exciting goals that you are personally excited about will keep you motivated to inspire your staff. This trickle-down effect will boost your teams? motivation levels if you put forth the effort to keep striving toward your goals as a team.

Have a positive attitude

It?s not just the goals themselves that will motivate you and your team. If you carry yourself confidently, cheerfully and professionally, not only will you feel better about yourself, but your positive vibe will permeate your entire organization. Keep a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Your good attitude will send the message that you care about success. You will become a welcome motivator wanting to achieve more, and you will find yourself striving for bigger and better things as a leader.

Schedule one-on-ones

Nothing de-motivates more than feeling insignificant. So although you may have your goals outlined for the organization, you want to be sure to identify your teams? goals as well. Doing so will let them know you care about their personal success and not just the company?s.

Schedule time to speak with each team member and lay out goals. Use the time to talk about where team members see themselves headed at your company and in their lives. It?s in this environment that you can find out what motivates each team member and create a road map for achieving new objectives.

If your team are struggling with what kinds of goals to set, it?s your job to guide them. Start by learning more
about what gets them fired up while working. Is it sales? Marketing? Numbers? Technology? Find the hot buttons, and press them ? so that both you and your team will stay happy.

The three steps above are only a starting point, because motivation is easily lost in the shuffle. Particularly when times are busy or the budget is lean, it?s tempting to shift into survival mode rather than think about how to thrive. As a leader, keep the motivational fires burning strong by checking in regularly ? not only with your team, but with yourself. Undoubtedly, you and your team can exceed one another?s expectations if you put forth the required effort.


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